The writer connects for us now how Boaz fits into the picture. Boaz is a a close relative (Ruth 2:1, Ruth 2:20). He is wealthy and has much land. In ancient culture, widows, foreigners, and orphans are the most helpless of society. They lack the ability to provide for themselves (as a general rule). God, as a picture of grace and as a testimony of His concern for all peoples (the foreigner as well as His own), ascribed in the Law that His people were to allow the helpless to "glean" after the reapers at harvest (Lev 19:9-10, Lev 23:22, Deut 24:19). Doing so, was an act of trust/worship of God and a way of providing for those with need. Picture it like this:
God gives you instruction saying that when unloading your groceries into the car, anything that you cannot gather in four bags will be left for the person who comes after you. Yes you have bought it, but it is left for those after you as an act of worship and trust in God who provides.
Ruth does not "whine" about her circumstances, but seeks permission from Naomi to go and gather after the reapers and pick up their leftovers (Ruth 2:2-3). She "happens" (tongue-in-cheek theology veiled as coincidence) upon Boaz's fields and seeks permission to glean after the reapers (Ru 2:7). This is above and beyond...if not practical. She had a "right" to glean according to Israelite Law, but recognized that she should exhibit humility (not to manipulate...but because it was the right thing to do.).
Boaz instructs the servants to treat her as one of their own, and even blesses Ruth by telling her to drink from the water reserved for his servants (Ru 2:9). Ruth is perplexed at Boaz's kindness...why he would bless her when she is a foreigner. Catch his response: Ruth 2:11-12. Boaz showed grace toward Ruth because she had lived a life or humility and had served her mother-in-law. Notice: this is a not a works based religious action. He is not compensating her for her works, nor did Ruth act in the way she did so that she would be compensated. Ruth acted with humility and grace...because it was right. Boaz acted toward her as an instrument of God's Hand because he is gracious and kind.
Some today struggle with this concept in the contemporary church. Some elevate Grace to the point that they "feel" that they should never do anything but "soak up" God's grace. This is presumptive at best. We do not work to earn favor with God. Any favor we receive is because God is kind. However, people who love God act like it. Someone who acts like the "world" really loves the world.
Boaz even instructs his servants to intentionally leave behind some of the harvest on the ground for Ruth to pick up (Ru 2:16). When Ruth was finished for the day, she beat out the grain and carried it to Naomi and shared what she had experienced. She even brough Naomi her leftover lunch (Ru 2:18).
Naomi starts to get a picture of what God is up to (Ru 2:20). She instructs Ruth to do just as Boaz has told her...which she does for many weeks during the harvest seasons (Ru 2:23).
God is caring for Ruth and Naomi through His provision in the Law and the willing heart of a faithful servant named Boaz. God is ministering to Naomi by showing her that He has not forgotten her. God is teaching Ruth about Himself through the provision and blessing of being among His people. Never overlook the meta-narrative. God is weaving together a much greater tapestry than we can readily see when we focus on our immediate circumstances.
Proverbs 28:9 is the takeaway today. I was drawn to this verse today. A man who intentionally turns from the purpose of God can take no comfort in God's graciousness. Even his prayer is an abomination. I wonder how often...Christians know of something that God would have them do...and refuse? I bet they pray. I bet they go on going to church and try to act as though all is normal. It is not that their prayer simply goes UNANSWERED...but that their prayer is OFFENSIVE and an AFFRONT to God. How does a child say, "I don't want the dinner you fixed," and "give me something to eat" in the same breath? When we are separated from God in any way, and know it, the prayer God hears is "I am sorry" and "forgive me according to your mercy and lovingkindness."
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1 comment:
Some powerful thoughts this morning, Praise God!!! I love the faithful heart of Ruth. The love she shows to Naomi is awesome. Then comes Boaz and what a great person to take her and help. Did she look vulernable, in verse 8-9 Boaz instructs Ruth to stay close to his field because he has instructed no one to touch her. Boaz was so moved with Ruth's love for Noami that he felt compelled to help her. I can see the relation to the church. We say we love God then we must love His church. We must work for His church and follow Him in full obedience. We have to listen and obey... good word today! And yes began praying Monday for tomorrow... It will be awesome!
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