Paul continues his argument of justification (Salvation) by faith and not by works of the Law. He first appeals to experience.
The Galatians had received affirmation of the Spirit by faith and not the Law (Gal 3:1-3). The question Paul implies if the Law were able to save, why did they not receive the affirmation of the Spirit under it, rather than by faith? He then make a logical connection: If you received the Spirit by faith...why do you need to be sanctified (perfected) by keeping the Law?
He then appeals to Abraham. The Scripture said that Abraham was reckoned to God (justified by Faith), before the Law was written. Not only that, but the Abrahamic promise, the salvation of the Nations through Abraham, is a foreshadowing of the work of Christ (the blessing form the seed of Abraham), not of a coming of the Law (Gal 3:6-14).
Paul then appeals to human practice. No one makes a contract and then adds to it...more conditions (Gal 3:15-18) that must be fulfilled in order to achieve the results of the contract. So, Paul is affirming that the Law was never intended to be a means of becoming righteous, nor the primary way people were to relate to God. The relation contract was ratified before the Law. The Law served as a "tutor" or guide to lead us to Christ (Gal 3:24-29). There are no "super saints" who are more holy by keeping the Law; nor, are there any people (Jews or otherwise) who are justified by keeping the Law. All salvation/justification is..and has always believing God and having God "reckon/account it as righteousness."
Now to a point of application that I made to a reader in a previous comment. This same Paul who said that Salvation is by Faith alone...also called himself a bondservant of Christ. Some misuse and abuse salvation by faith and make it a justification for rebellion and lethargy. God has a plan and purpose for you and I. We are to fulfill that plan, because we are the children of God...not to become the children of God. Grace is not a license to act as WE want, but is an act of a Holy God toward us...which provokes in us good works. The two are not exclusive of one another.
To the one who says, "I am saved by grace, so I will live and do as I please," has missed the point of salvation...and may have missed salvation altogether. Who said that? Jesus: (John 14:23-24).
Proverbs 5:22 is the takeaway today. A man who lives without God is captured by his own sins. The sin forms a cord of bondage that holds him back. No man can break free once he is bound. It takes another to loosen/ break the cords. No man is overcome by the devil and forced to sin. That which captures him is entered into willingly and voluntarily. True, he may not be fully aware of the consequences, but it is one's own actions nonetheless. Fortunately, the "system" was never designed for a man to set himself free from the cords/bondage of sin. God is the one who liberates and praise belongs to Him alone.
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I honestly feel like I am half way through a race... race through Galations. Okay so I have made it to Chapter 3, I am getting a little more familiar with Paul's writtings and with the help of several friendly people I have read this in several biblical versions:). The law...sounds so rigid. We observe the law because we are Christians, because we love Christ. This is what I feel like Paul is saying. I hope that is correct cause that is what I got. That the law can not save us, once we are saved we follow the law because we are truely saved. I like your passage at the end of this blog about coming to church. We are not saved by coming to church and we are not forced to come to church but we should have a desire to be in church if we have accepted Him. Good Word today!
Thanks for the post. I know this is moving pretty quickly. Hang in there.
Here is what is happening. Many of the people Paul is writing to have been told that God wants them to do stuff (circumcision, avoid eating Pork, take every Sabbath-Saturday off, observe the Jewish feasts of Booths,Passover, etc.) These things are not "bad" in themselves; however, the ones (Judaizers) telling the Galatians these things...are also telling them that IF they do these, then God will be pleased and will respond by SAVING them. They go on to say that if the people do not comply...then they will not be SAVED.
This is a far different message than what Paul preached to them. So, the Judaizers, who are telling the Galatians that they must observe and trust in doing these religious things (the Law), also have said that Paul was wrong for not sharing this from the beginning.
Paul is writing this letter in response to this claim and is arguing against it, and FOR the message he preached...Salvation is by God's Grace through faith...not by doing this religious stuff. He is arguing against what these false teachers (Judaizers) are saying...because they are causing great confusion in the church.
This is one of Paul's most straightforward letters. He has a singular "win" the people back to the gospel that he preached to them...which has been brought into question by the false teachers.
The real substance of the matter is this: What are the Judaizers TRUSTING in for their Salvation. Is it the grace of God...or is it God's grace PLUS their performance of these religious rituals? Paul wants them to be convinced that they must trust in God's grace ALONE.
The LAW, as it is spoken of here is not the same as Christian practices of going to church, tithing, prayer, reading your Bible, etc. Nowhere in the Bible are these "disciplines" presented as a MEANS of Salvation. They are all OUTWORKINGS of a relationship with Christ that is accomplished by God's grace alone.
Should Christians practice these disciplines? Yes, but not to be saved; rather, they are practiced because they unlock the key to experiencing the fullness of our Salvation. They naturally occur as a result of a relationship.
If one says, "I am going to church today SO THAT God will love me and not be disappointed," she has missed the point. Rather, one should say, "I am going to church today...because God loves me and is never disappointed in me. I want to know more intimately and respond to/ worship my God...because He is like that."
I am at the mercy of this kind of communication this morning...but this is a very profitable discussion. If my comments are not clear this for me. Give me some grace. Then, tell your husband that you guys are coming over for Dominos and we will discuss face-to-face.
Thanks for posting. I am very proud of how God is speaking in your life.
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