Sunday, March 08, 2009

Take Two: Galatians 6, Proverbs 8

Galatians 6 is a powerful chapter for living as a Christ-follower. Keeping this chapter in context...Paul has been pointing out the errors in the actions of the Galatians. His words have brought deep conviction and now the question remains: "what will they do?"

Notice in Gal 6:1, Paul addresses those who are "spiritual," and instructs them to restore those who have fallen away. He cautions them to take care as they go about this work of be gentle and to guard against being tempted themselves. The instruction is not for them to be condemning, but for them to be redemptive. This does not mean that Paul wanted them to compromise on the sin...only to be empathetic (bearing in mind that any one of them could be there too.)

Gal 6:2 tells them to bear the burdens of one another and in doing this, they fulfill the Law of Christ. Being helped along the way and helping others along the way is the instruction. This is why we have been directed as believers to be part of an active covenant community of other believers. In other words, church is not an option. It is absolutely necessary to survive and thrive in this life.

Gal 6:6 is an instruction for the church (those being taught) to support their teachers/pastors. In God's economy, this is how he provides for his people (both people and pastor).

Gal 6:7-10 is "keeping it real" for those in Paul's audience. They should look to reap what they sow. Responding to the Spirit with commitment yields spiritual fruit. Responding to the Spirit with rebellion and resistence, yields fleshly fruit. God does not respond to rebellion with blessing.
Gal 6:11-18 is the postscript that is pretty common for Paul, especially in the climate when false teachers are trying to bring into question that which the church held firm to. Up to this point in the letter, Paul used an emanuesis (pronounced ee-man-you-aye-sis...meaning a secretary) to write the letter. From this point forward, he takes the quill and ink himself.

Gal 6:14 is a great prayer. Why am I what I am? On what do I make my boast? What is it that I have accomplished in life? All that I have is that which was given me by Jesus at the I now live as I do in accordance with the new life Christ has given.

Gal 6:17 is a special verse (to me.) Paul gives the contrast between the aim of the false teachers and his aim. Some sought to be circumcised so that they could boast in their identity with God. Paul boasted in the cross. His marks were different. His choices to follow Christ made him the target of persecution (beatings, imprisonment...hard living.) When people look at your they see a religious symbol, or a life that gives evidence of the consequence of following Christ?

Proverbs 8:17 is the takeaway today. The speaker is "wisdom" personified. Wisdom states that she loves those who love her. She also states that those who "diligently" seek her shall find her. Discovering the wisdom of God is laborious at times. At a surface level, the Word may appear one way, but upon deeper says something else. [I am not speaking of some "secret knowledge" concept...but of the effort required to process the things of God.] When we consider the difficult subjects (i.e. the presence of evil inthe world, why bad things happen to good people, heaven/hell, praising God in adversity) we must labor to grasp who God His that we can know the wisdom of God. Thsi is called "theology" and we are all called to be students of it. To not pursue understanding in this way...will yield ungrounded lives that are tossed here and there by every wind of doctrine. Wisdom calls, "if you love me, seek me diligently and I shall be found." Will you? Are you?

Tomorrow, we shift back to the OT. We will be reading the book of Joel for the next few days. See you there!

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