Monday, March 23, 2009

Take Two: Hebrews 12, Proverbs 23

Hebrews 12 begins with the conclusion/point of the list of saints that was given in chapter 11. Since we have so many witnesses/examples to look to, let us also do these things: Lay aside sin and the things that hold us back or trip us up; run the race before us with endurance; fix our eyes on Jesus...our example...considering how He lived so that we won't become discouraged and quit (Heb 12:1-3).

Heb 12:4-11 deals with the subject/question of discipline. The writer answers the unasked question about why God allows (causes) the difficulties the people are enduring. The answer is that God disciplines those whome He loves. God corrects His own children.

Heb 12:12-17 is a word of encouragement to address those things that need to be. Bind up what is weak, clear one's path of obstacles, pursue a peaceful existence, pursue sanctification (the process of godliness), and guard oneself against ungodly attitudes toward others.

Heb 12:18-24 speaks of the contrast between the God who was feared and the God who gave His own life to satisfy (make propitiation for) the wrath of God against sin.

All of these statements of address are necessary for consideration since...there is a day coming when God will judge (Heb 12:25-29) all things and that which is not prepared will be destroyed. In light of that...knowing that judgment will come...those who know and love God should serve Him full realization that they can never be shaken...because of the sufficiency of Christ.

Proverbs 23:9 is the takeaway today. This is a difficult balance for me to consider. On one hand, I am called to proclaim truth to those where God has opened the door to hear it. On the other hand...I am told of the foolishness of proclamation to the foolish one. How are the two reconciled?
A "fool" or "foolish one" is a person who is unteachable. It does not mean one who does foolish things per se, since we all do those. It is one who refuses to stop doing foolish things. I think of the people I have gone back to time and again to try to "convince them" to see God and become Christ-followers. Often times, my words were wasted and the conversation digressed to a debate over extraneous information. It is those conversations...with those who show no teachability that God refers to here in Proverbs. God must do a great work of preparation in their hearts before they will be able to receive His wisdom...from you, me, or from anyone else.

1 comment:

Sdot said...

Great thoughts on the Proverbs 23:9 verse. I believe this is applicable to me in that all 3 of the guys on my 3:16 card are my co-workers. Of the 3, 2 of them I believe fit in this category of foolishness (unteachable). I've tried to talk to them numerous occasions, but the conversation seems to fork off in many directions, and there is many more rabbits being chased than any one man can keep up with. I haven't given up complete hope yet, I'm just much less persistant.