Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Take Two: Joel 2, Proverbs 10

Joel 2 has two major "movements" in it. The first takes place in Joel 2:1-11. This is a continuation, or amplification, of the chapter 1. The coming Day of the Lord (day of judgment) is described. In Joel 2:2, the darkness likely is descriptive of the locust swarms. The swarms sweep across the land, ravaging everything. Also in mind is the continuing drought. (We discussed both of these previously).

In the midst of the "coming judgment," there is a call to repentance (Joel 2:12-17). Return to God in repentence and brokenness. Show brokenness of heart, not just religious activity (Joel 2:2). As a people, return to God.

Why would one return to God when He is viewed as the One who has judged the people and brought the circumstances upon them?

Because God is gracious and compassionate (Joel 2:13). He does bring judgment...but not with malicious intent. He does so in response to the evil and rebellion of man. To believe otherwise would be like a child hitting his sister and then being angry at the parent who punishes him. The child brought the circumstances which dictated the punishment. To blame the parent for being "mean" is unwarranted. The parent is merely acting justly; in fact, to not act... is to act unjustly. Who will defend righteousness and speak for the victim? If the parent does not...who will? God does as He does, because He is who He is. He is righteous and just...and at the same time gracious and merciful.

If there is repentence, what can the people expect? Just as God is certain to bring judgment (the Day of the Lord is coming... It is never presented here as a possibility, but a coming reality), God is also certain to act mercifully toward His repentent people (Joel 2:18). God will remove the judgment and defend the people from their enemies (Joel 2:19-21). He will provide for their natural needs (Joel 2:22-27). He will also restore them and give them their spiritual needs (Joel 2:28-32).

If this is true (and I believe it is), we do not need to wonder if God will act to restore His Name among His people. We can KNOW that He will do this...because His actions are certain...in response to the real repentence of His people.

The idea presented here is one of "corporate" or "national" repentence, but the principle applies as individuals as well. We do not act religiously to provoke God to bless us. This would be akin to rending our garments and not our hearts (Joel 2:13). We repent because God is good and we have rebelled. We repent because God demands committed followers, not rebellious followers. God is not negotiating with His people. He has established a standard and the only variable is whether we will respond appropriately...or not. If we trust God to be properly related to our spouse, our children, our church and spiritual leaders, our national leaders...if we trust God with our money, our vocations, and our plans...God will deal graciously with us.

Will we always see it (as it is happening) or will it happen in the timing we think is best? Maybe not; however, God is at work in a much bigger way than we can imagine. He is faithful to graciously provide the strength of endurance, or the blessing of victory. Either way...it is grace. Without God, there is only the certain prospect of the coming judgment which is surely ours.

Proverbs 10:3 is the takeaway today. Both the righteous and the wicked request from God. Only the righteous has surety that God will answer. In both cases, the request is made known. In both cases, the requestor is sincere. In both cases, God acts justly. He meets the needs of those who are righteous. The wicked has no such security. He depends on his own efforts ALONE for his provision.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tell you Joel has been good for me. Whew! God is so good. God wants me to call Him everyday all day. Not just on Sunday. Yes at work in the car, at home. Gosh there are times when I have messed up so big and to know that God just wants me to run to Him and fall on my knees and repent then He forgives me and holds me again. There is no better place to be than in my Father's arms.... Thank you Lord for being so faithful and merciful to us. You are my best friend, I can not imagine my life without you. You never grow tired of me and long to be with me. Thank you for loving me...:)